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  • Pirastro strings for musical instruments
Perpetual Soloist

Perpetual Soloist Cello Strings.
A New Generation of Steel Core Strings.
A-string: The tone is clear for the first few minutes, then gently settles into a full, round, and lush dark timbre. A string that truly touches with its warm mellow tone.

D-string: A »strong« string with incredible depth and volume. Full of body and abundant power; always warm and strong. Delightfully easy to play.

G-string: A string that wants to be tamed, inspiring the cellist and giving the entire set a more brilliant and a tempestuous sound. A focussed tone with a colourful spectre and warm undertone.

C-string: Sonorous and deep, yet direct and clear. Very large volume. Even with the smallest of bow movements you can still hear the keynote. Long sustaining power and impressively precise sound.
  • A - steel/chrome steel
  • D - steel/chrome steel
  • G - rope core/tungsten
  • C - rope core/tungsten
Tailpiece Options
The all Perpetual Soloist strings has a ball-end.
Perpetual Soloist strings are available in 4/4.