D Pirastro Cello Perpetual Edition Cello Stringt
Perpetual Edition Cello Strings. A New Generation of Steel Core Strings.
As a musician put it, the Perpetual Edition are the most power-packed strings in Pirastro Perpetual program. Tone by tone the shine of this new string radiates into the room without sounding metallic or sharp. Like having a palette in their hands, the Perpetual Edition provides the musicians with every tonal color from a focused bright sound to a room filling warmth which is like a hug for the music enthusiast. With their sonority, volume, and flexibility the new Perpetual Edition fulfills the players’ desire for projection in an impressive way while maintaining an inspiring light playability. The Perpetual Edition strings offer an exceptional nice bow resistance which results in a very fast and direct response especially on the lower strings.
- D-string: A »strong« string with incredible depth and volume. Full of body and abundant power; always warm and strong. Delightfully easy to play.
- D - steel/chrome steel
Tailpiece Options
The all Perpetual strings has a ball-end.
Perpetual strings are available in 4/4.