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Oboe Buffet Crampon Prodige BC4062-2-0

Price: 4.440,00 € EUR 3731.09
incl. VAT 19% without shipping cost
(tax free price 3.731,09 €)
SKU: BC4062-2-0
Manufacturer: Buffet Crampon
Dispatch: Ships within 3-6 months*


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Oboe Buffet Crampon Prodige BC4062-2-0

Oboe Buffet Crampon Prodige BC4062-2-0
The new Prodige student oboe features important technical, aesthetic and acoustic improvements that will allow beginners and experienced enthusiasts to progress quickly.
Instrument technicians in the workshops of Buffet Crampon have completed an intense period of Research and Development to create an instrument with easy-to-play, accurate low notes that allow mastery of the most difficult range. Transition from one octave to another is smooth. The mechanics are extremely precise.
Mastering sound output and the controlling airflow, which are so important in the first years of study, are greatly facilitated. Oboists will be seduced by the perfect acoustic homogeneity of this oboe. Prodige’s sound, very rich and full, comes very close to sounding like a professional instrument.
Manufactured in the Buffet Crampon workshops in Germany, Prodige is not only reasonably priced but is also, quite simply, the ideal instrument for learning to play.


  • A new plateau key design brings a flexibility and feeling close to those of Buffet Crampon professional instruments.
  • A new more ergonomic placement of spatulas and plateau keys means more comfortable playing for all hand sizes.
  • New large-headed adjustment screws mean more precise adjustments.
  • Octave pips in German nickel silver.
  • A new body and bell finish: a protective satin varnish shows the wood grain.
  • Acoustics that are close to the professional range: ease of projection, pitch, homogeneity and flexibility.
  • Body in African blackwood and Luracast bore make the instrument crack-resistant.

Technical Haracteristics

  • Key: C
  • Pitch: 440 / 443 Hz
  • semi-automatic
  • African Blackwood (grenadilla)
  • bore resin lined
  • full conservatoire system
  • 3 octave keys, semi-automatic
  • left hand F lever
  • highly reliable keywork, silver-plated nickel silver
  • trill key  C#, double D trill
  • trill key  low B/C#
  • double key G#
  • double key Eb
  • Bb with resonans key
  • cork
  • double skin (bottom notes)
  • wooden "pochette" case covered in high quality black vinyl, plastic reed box including
Delivered with accessories.
Buffet Crampon Buffet Crampon produces bassoons, clarinets, English horns, oboes, saxophones. Elcoda is an authorized dealer and exporter of Buffet Crampon. All Buffet Crampon products are available at a very attractive price. If a specific product is not available on our website, you can get in contact with us and we will inform you if it is possible to order it. Manufacturer's Address: Buffet Crampon SAS 5, Rue Maurice Bertheaux 78711 Mantes La Ville France

  Manufacturer information
You can also find the economic operator responsible for the product on the respective product, its packaging, or in a document accompanying the product.

Safety Warnings
Specific safety instructions applicable to the product can be found in the user guide.
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